Year: 2022
Client: Self initiated
Type: Furniture
Material: Various wood
Size: Various dimensions

Exhibition: <WORD PLAY> at Supply Seoul, Korea

MIX WOOD is a series of furniture utilizing traditional woodworking technique called ‘endgrain’ which cross-connects and mix different species of wood. It is mainly perceived as an old method to make patterned cutting board. We aimed to expand the possibilities by making the technique efficient in process and applying into three-dimensional objects that had not been tried so far. Instead of using a table saw which is needed to cut wood in specified size and cut them one by one, they used a band saw overlapping two different types of wood and cut them into free curves at once. In this way, the curves made along the movement of the hand create vibrant patterns while reducing lead time of making. Moreover, since the two types of wood are cut by overlapping each other, they get a pair of board at once which means that symmetrical parts such as the legs of a chair can be made at once. By applying the curvy patterns into furniture, it expresses an illusionary and imaginative effect as the wood is woven like a piece of fabric.